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' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + '
' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + '
' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + '
' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + '
' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + 'var state = 0;' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + 'var landingUrl = \'\';' + "\n" + 'var counter1 = 0;' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + 'var tl = new TimelineLite({onComplete:restartLoop});' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + ', 0, {alpha:0, ease:"Expo.easeOut", delay: 0});' + "\n" + ', 0, {alpha:0, ease:"Expo.easeOut", delay: 0});' + "\n" + ', 0, {alpha:0, ease:"Expo.easeOut", delay: 0});' + "\n" + ', 0, {alpha:0, ease:"Expo.easeOut", delay: 0});' + "\n" + ', 0, {alpha:0, ease:"Expo.easeOut", delay: 0});' + "\n" + ', 0, {y:33, alpha:0, ease:"Expo.easeOut", delay: 0});' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + ', 0, {x:-200, alpha:0, ease:"Expo.easeOut", delay: 1});' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + ', 1, {x:0, alpha:1, ease:"Expo.easeOut", delay: 0});' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + ', 1, {alpha:1, ease:"Expo.easeOut", delay: 0});' + "\n" + ', 1, {alpha:1, ease:"Expo.easeOut", delay: -1});' + "\n" + ', 1, {alpha:1, ease:"Expo.easeOut", delay: -1});' + "\n" + ', 1, {alpha:1, ease:"Expo.easeOut", delay: -1});' + "\n" + ', 1, {alpha:1, ease:"Expo.easeOut", delay: -1});' + "\n" + ', 1, {y:0, alpha:1, ease:"Expo.easeOut", delay: -1});' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + 'function remind ()' + "\n" + '{' + "\n" + ' var url = API.trackerUrl + "?bannerId=" + API.bannerId + "&eventId=" + ' + "\n" + ' API.EVENT_CALENDAR + "&eventTime=" + (new Date().getTime() - API.initTime) + ' + "\n" + ' "&url=" + clickTAG + "" +' + "\n" + ' "&redir=" + clickTAG + "";' + "\n" + ' location.href = url;' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + '}' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + 'function showGallery ()' + "\n" + '{' + "\n" + ' state = 1;' + "\n" + ' $("#cycle").fadeIn();' + "\n" + ' $("#arrowLeft").fadeIn();' + "\n" + ' $("#arrowRight").fadeIn();' + "\n" + '}' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + 'function closeBtn ()' + "\n" + '{' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' if (state == 0)' + "\n" + ' {' + "\n" + ' parent.OnAds_ba551ee84b18ed2a129f6ef58b7a55ee_collapse();' + "\n" + ' }' + "\n" + ' else' + "\n" + ' {' + "\n" + ' state = 0;' + "\n" + ' $("#cycle").fadeOut();' + "\n" + ' $("#arrowLeft").fadeOut();' + "\n" + ' $("#arrowRight").fadeOut(); ' + "\n" + ' }' + "\n" + '}' + "\n" + 'function restartLoop () {' + "\n" + ' counter1++' + "\n" + ' if (counter1 > 0)' + "\n" + ' {' + "\n" + ' // final tweens here' + "\n" + ' //, 0.5, {top: 80, ease:"Expo.easeOut", delay: 0});' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ', 0.15, {scaleX:0.9, scaleY:0.9, ease:"Linear.easeNone", delay: 0.5});' + "\n" + ', 0.15, {scaleX:1, scaleY:1, ease:"Linear.easeNone", delay: 0.65});' + "\n" + ', 0.15, {scaleX:0.9, scaleY:0.9, ease:"Linear.easeNone", delay: 0.80});' + "\n" + ', 0.15, {scaleX:1, scaleY:1, ease:"Linear.easeNone", delay: 0.95});' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ', 0.15, {scaleX:0.9, scaleY:0.9, ease:"Linear.easeNone", delay: 2.5});' + "\n" + ', 0.15, {scaleX:1, scaleY:1, ease:"Linear.easeNone", delay: 2.65});' + "\n" + ', 0.15, {scaleX:0.9, scaleY:0.9, ease:"Linear.easeNone", delay: 2.80});' + "\n" + ', 0.15, {scaleX:1, scaleY:1, ease:"Linear.easeNone", delay: 2.95});' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ', 0.15, {scaleX:0.9, scaleY:0.9, ease:"Linear.easeNone", delay: 4.5});' + "\n" + ', 0.15, {scaleX:1, scaleY:1, ease:"Linear.easeNone", delay: 4.65});' + "\n" + ', 0.15, {scaleX:0.9, scaleY:0.9, ease:"Linear.easeNone", delay: 4.80});' + "\n" + ', 0.15, {scaleX:1, scaleY:1, ease:"Linear.easeNone", delay: 4.95});' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' return false;' + "\n" + ' }' + "\n" + ' else' + "\n" + ' {' + "\n" + ' tl.restart(); ' + "\n" + ' }' + "\n" + '}' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + 'function init () {' + "\n" + ' // Put your custom code here that should first be executed when documents is ready' + "\n" + ' // e.g. CMS code and tweens' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + ' $("#cycle").cycle({fx: \'scrollHorz\', speed: 300, next: \'#next\', prev: \'#prev\', timeout: 0});' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + ' $("#cycle").touchwipe({' + "\n" + ' min_move_x: 50,' + "\n" + ' wipeLeft: function() {' + "\n" + ' $("#cycle").cycle(\'next\');' + "\n" + ' API.registerEvent(API.EVENT_GALLERY_SWIPE_LEFT);' + "\n" + ' },' + "\n" + ' wipeRight: function() {' + "\n" + ' $("#cycle").cycle(\'prev\');' + "\n" + ' API.registerEvent(API.EVENT_GALLERY_SWIPE_RIGHT);' + "\n" + ' }' + "\n" + ' }); ' + "\n" + '}' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + 'var target_date = new Date("Jul 24, 2015").getTime();' + "\n" + 'var days, hours, minutes, seconds;' + "\n" + 'var countdown = document.getElementById("COUNTDOWN");' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + 'updateCounter();' + "\n" + 'var counter = setInterval(updateCounter, 1000);' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + 'function updateCounter ()' + "\n" + '{' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' var current_date = new Date().getTime();' + "\n" + ' var seconds_left = (target_date - current_date) / 1000;' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' days = parseInt(seconds_left / 86400);' + "\n" + ' seconds_left = seconds_left % 86400;' + "\n" + ' hours = parseInt(seconds_left / 3600);' + "\n" + ' seconds_left = seconds_left % 3600;' + "\n" + ' minutes = parseInt(seconds_left / 60);' + "\n" + ' seconds = parseInt(seconds_left % 60);' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' if (days == 0 && hours == 0 && minutes == 0 && seconds == 0)' + "\n" + ' {' + "\n" + ' console.log(\'Ignition\');' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' window.clearInterval(counter);' + "\n" + ' }' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' var pad = "00"' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' days = days.toString();' + "\n" + ' hours = hours.toString();' + "\n" + ' minutes = minutes.toString();' + "\n" + ' seconds = seconds.toString();' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' if (days.length == 1) { days = "0" + days; }' + "\n" + ' if (hours.length == 1) { hours = "0" + hours; }' + "\n" + ' if (minutes.length == 1) { minutes = "0" + minutes; }' + "\n" + ' if (seconds.length == 1) { seconds = "0" + seconds; }' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' // format countdown string + set tag value' + "\n" + ' countdown.innerHTML = days + ":" + hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds; ' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + '}' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + 'function redir ()' + "\n" + '{' + "\n" + ' API.registerEvent(API.EVENT_CLICK, clickTAG + landingUrl);' + "\n" + ' + landingUrl);' + "\n" + '}' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n";; if (tmpVar != undefined) { tmpContent = tmpContent.replace(/EXPAND_VALUE/g,tmpVar); } OnAds_ba551ee84b18ed2a129f6ef58b7a55ee_expanded.contentWindow.contents = tmpContent; if (location.protocol === 'https:') { OnAds_ba551ee84b18ed2a129f6ef58b7a55ee_expanded.contentWindow.contents = OnAds_ba551ee84b18ed2a129f6ef58b7a55ee_expanded.contentWindow.contents.replace(/http:\/\/pool/g, 'https://pool'); 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var clickTAG = \'\'; window.onload = function() { API = new OnAdsStatsAPI(); API.init(\'REPLACEME\'); API.trackElement(\'container\'); parent.OnAds_ba551ee84b18ed2a129f6ef58b7a55ee_isInScreen(); init(); }; function mouseOver (e) { var obj=e.relatedTarget; while(obj!=null){ if(obj==this){ return; }; obj=obj.parentNode; }; if (typeof mouseOverListener == \'function\') { mouseOverListener(); }; API.registerEvent(API.EVENT_MOUSE_OVER); }; function mouseOut (e) { var obj=e.relatedTarget; while(obj!=null){ if(obj==this){ return; }; obj=obj.parentNode; }; API.registerEvent(API.EVENT_MOUSE_OUT); if (typeof mouseOutListener == \'function\') { mouseOutListener(); }; }; ' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + '
' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + '
' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + '
' + "\n" + '
' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + '// Define your variables here like' + "\n" + '// references to divs and images, timelines and counters' + "\n" + 'var landingUrl = \'\';' + "\n" + 'var counter1 = 0;' + "\n" + '// Example TweenLite code, delete this block if you wont be using Tweens ' + "\n" + 'var tl = new TimelineLite({onComplete:restartLoop});' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + ', 0, {x:-100, ease:"Linear.easeNone", delay: 0});' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + ', 0.5, {alpha:0.6, ease:"Linear.easeNone", delay: 0});' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + ', 0.5, {alpha:1, ease:"Linear.easeNone", delay: 0});' + "\n" + ', 0.5, {alpha:1, ease:"Linear.easeNone", delay: -0.5});' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + ', 0.5, {alpha:0, ease:"Linear.easeNone", delay: 2});' + "\n" + ', 0.5, {alpha:0, ease:"Linear.easeNone", delay: -0.5});' + "\n" + ', 0.5, {alpha:0, ease:"Linear.easeNone", delay: -0.5});' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + ', 2, {y:110, ease:"Linear.easeNone", delay: 0});' + "\n" + ', 2, {x:-20, y:110, ease:"Linear.easeNone", delay: -2});' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + ', 1, {alpha:1, ease:"Expo.easeOut", delay: 0});' + "\n" + ', 1, {alpha:1, ease:"Expo.easeOut", delay: -1});' + "\n" + ', 1, {alpha:1, ease:"Expo.easeOut", delay: -1});' + "\n" + ', 1, {y:-33, ease:"Expo.easeOut", delay: -1});' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + ', 2, {x:-40, y:110, alpha:0, ease:"Expo.easeOut", delay: 2});' + "\n" + ', 2, {x:20, alpha:1, ease:"Expo.easeOut", delay: -2});' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + ', 2, {x:-20, alpha:1, ease:"Expo.easeOut", delay: -2});' + "\n" + ', 2, {x:-20, alpha:1, ease:"Expo.easeOut", delay: -2});' + "\n" + ', 2, {x:-20, alpha:1, ease:"Expo.easeOut", delay: -2});' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + ', 0.15, {scaleX:0.9, scaleY:0.9, ease:"Linear.easeNone", delay: 0.5});' + "\n" + ', 0.15, {scaleX:1, scaleY:1, ease:"Linear.easeNone", delay: 0});' + "\n" + ', 0.15, {scaleX:0.9, scaleY:0.9, ease:"Linear.easeNone", delay: 0});' + "\n" + ', 0.15, {scaleX:1, scaleY:1, ease:"Linear.easeNone", delay: 0});' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + ', 1, {alpha:1, ease:"Linear.easeNone", delay: 3});' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + 'function restartLoop () {' + "\n" + ' counter1++' + "\n" + ' if (counter1 > 3)' + "\n" + ' {' + "\n" + ' // final tweens here' + "\n" + ' //, 0.5, {top: 80, ease:"Expo.easeOut", delay: 0});' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ', 0.5, {alpha:0, ease:"Linear.easeNone", delay: 0});' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ', 0.15, {scaleX:0.9, scaleY:0.9, ease:"Linear.easeNone", delay: 0.5});' + "\n" + ', 0.15, {scaleX:1, scaleY:1, ease:"Linear.easeNone", delay: 0.65});' + "\n" + ', 0.15, {scaleX:0.9, scaleY:0.9, ease:"Linear.easeNone", delay: 0.80});' + "\n" + ', 0.15, {scaleX:1, scaleY:1, ease:"Linear.easeNone", delay: 0.95});' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ', 0.15, {scaleX:0.9, scaleY:0.9, ease:"Linear.easeNone", delay: 2.5});' + "\n" + ', 0.15, {scaleX:1, scaleY:1, ease:"Linear.easeNone", delay: 2.65});' + "\n" + ', 0.15, {scaleX:0.9, scaleY:0.9, ease:"Linear.easeNone", delay: 2.80});' + "\n" + ', 0.15, {scaleX:1, scaleY:1, ease:"Linear.easeNone", delay: 2.95});' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ', 0.15, {scaleX:0.9, scaleY:0.9, ease:"Linear.easeNone", delay: 4.5});' + "\n" + ', 0.15, {scaleX:1, scaleY:1, ease:"Linear.easeNone", delay: 4.65});' + "\n" + ', 0.15, {scaleX:0.9, scaleY:0.9, ease:"Linear.easeNone", delay: 4.80});' + "\n" + ', 0.15, {scaleX:1, scaleY:1, ease:"Linear.easeNone", delay: 4.95});' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' return false;' + "\n" + ' }' + "\n" + ' else' + "\n" + ' {' + "\n" + ' tl.restart(); ' + "\n" + ' }' + "\n" + '}' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + 'function init () {' + "\n" + ' // Put your custom code here that should first be executed when documents is ready' + "\n" + ' // e.g. CMS code and tweens' + "\n" + ' API.registerImpression();' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' var timestamp = new Date().getTime();' + "\n" + ' document.getElementById(\'pixel\').innerHTML = \'\';' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + '}' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + 'function redir ()' + "\n" + '{' + "\n" + ' + landingUrl); ' + "\n" + ' API.registerEvent(API.EVENT_CLICK, clickTAG + landingUrl); ' + "\n" + '}' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + 'var target_date = new Date("Jul 24, 2015").getTime();' + "\n" + 'var days, hours, minutes, seconds;' + "\n" + 'var countdown = document.getElementById("COUNTDOWN");' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + 'updateCounter();' + "\n" + 'var counter = setInterval(updateCounter, 1000);' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + 'function updateCounter ()' + "\n" + '{' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' var current_date = new Date().getTime();' + "\n" + ' var seconds_left = (target_date - current_date) / 1000;' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' days = parseInt(seconds_left / 86400);' + "\n" + ' seconds_left = seconds_left % 86400;' + "\n" + ' hours = parseInt(seconds_left / 3600);' + "\n" + ' seconds_left = seconds_left % 3600;' + "\n" + ' minutes = parseInt(seconds_left / 60);' + "\n" + ' seconds = parseInt(seconds_left % 60);' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' if (days == 0 && hours == 0 && minutes == 0 && seconds == 0)' + "\n" + ' {' + "\n" + ' console.log(\'Ignition\');' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' window.clearInterval(counter);' + "\n" + ' }' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' var pad = "00"' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' days = days.toString();' + "\n" + ' hours = hours.toString();' + "\n" + ' minutes = minutes.toString();' + "\n" + ' seconds = seconds.toString();' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' if (days.length == 1) { days = "0" + days; }' + "\n" + ' if (hours.length == 1) { hours = "0" + hours; }' + "\n" + ' if (minutes.length == 1) { minutes = "0" + minutes; }' + "\n" + ' if (seconds.length == 1) { seconds = "0" + seconds; }' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n" + ' // format countdown string + set tag value' + "\n" + ' countdown.innerHTML = days + ":" + hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds; ' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + '}' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + '' + "\n" + ' ' + "\n"; if (location.protocol === 'https:') { OnAds_ba551ee84b18ed2a129f6ef58b7a55ee.contentWindow.contents = OnAds_ba551ee84b18ed2a129f6ef58b7a55ee.contentWindow.contents.replace(/http:\/\/pool/g, 'https://pool'); } OnAds_ba551ee84b18ed2a129f6ef58b7a55ee.src = 'javascript:window["contents"]'; } function OnAds_ba551ee84b18ed2a129f6ef58b7a55ee_isInScreen () { if (OnAds_ba551ee84b18ed2a129f6ef58b7a55ee_isElementInViewport('OnAds_ba551ee84b18ed2a129f6ef58b7a55ee_collapsed')) { // register inscreen view document.getElementById('OnAds_ba551ee84b18ed2a129f6ef58b7a55ee_collapsed').contentWindow.API.registerEvent(4); 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